Sunday, June 3, 2012

Life is a Verb

I am currently working through Life is a Verb By Patti Digh.  I discovered her work after reading her powerful Commencement Address to Guilford College.  Here is one of my favorite quotes from the address:

"The verbs we live – that is, the actions we take – create the landscape of our lives. The verbs we live, the actions we take, the story we frame over those actions – all those things together create the structure of our land – those valleys and mountains of our atlas of experience. And like any hike up any mountain or through any landscape, the process is messy while you’re in it, and there is just no way you can see a clear path, not until you’re finished. So it is okay to be lost. That is what I’m telling you. It’s okay to be lost and not know – because that’s what learning is, that’s what life is."

I have found Life as a Verb to be very helpful in my quest to live wholeheartedly.  It is designed as a 37 Day Retreat with writing prompts and actions to take.  Patti Digh's work is insightful, creative and inspiring.  She expresses poignantly her urgency to focus on the important things in life and helps the reader clarify for themselves how to live wholeheartedly.  

She expresses it this way, "What does it take to fully inhabit your life?  It takes realizing how important the I that is you is to the equation.  This is not about other people, its not about changing the world in big ways, it's not even about doing great things-rather, it is about doing small things that give you life, bring you joy, help you inhabit the stories of your days-and, by extension, help change the world and the lives of others around you.  To fully live, you must be present in the biggest way possible.

From time to time I would like to share with you a book or product that I have used or am using that is helping me along my path.  I have become an affiliate of Amazon which means that if you click through a  link to Amazon on my blog and purchase the product I will receive 4% of qualifying purchases. 

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