Monday, January 7, 2013

My intentions for the year, illustrated. ♥

My intentions for the year, illustrated. ♥
My word for the year is ENJOY. I have included the definition of joy. On her legs and feet I have written: graceful, forward, free and unique as ways that I want to walk this year. I have emphasized enjoying love by making my heart visible. On my hands I have written praise and open. I want to use my arms to live with gratitude and to try new things. Thanks for reading.


  1. How very sweet!I like the music sheet on your sundress!
    The colors are SO gentle & peaceful.I bet "enjoy" would be neat to know in other languages & use later on in an art work!
    (I have not "thought" of my word for the new year; it might be a phrase).

  2. Bella Tam, this is so gorgeous! Had to pop in for my dose of vivid color. :) Congrats again on being a part of the new 2013 ArtistCellar Design Team! :) I have you in my google reader so I don't miss any of your posts.

  3. Beautiful! Love how your wrote out the thoughts right on her body.


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